Saturday, October 25, 2014

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Brianna sat at her desk and put her head in her hands. She felt like crap. Her head was pounding, she was shivering one minute and sweating the next, and her body was threatening to reject what little bit of food she'd managed to eat for breakfast. She just wasn't sure which end it was going to come out of.

Evelyn knocked and walked into the office to hand Brianna the mail. Her brows snapped together. "Brianna, are you okay? Sorry for saying this, but you look awful."

"Nice to know I look as good as I feel." Brianna groaned.

"Aw honey, you should go home. Looks like you've caught that flu bug that's going around. And it's a nasty one. Go home and go to bed."

"I..." Clapping her hand over her mouth, Brianna bolted for the bathroom. 

When she returned to her office, Evelyn held out her coat, purse and briefcase. "There's a car waiting for you out front. Rest and plenty of fluids. Go."

"Thanks." The truth was, she didn't have the energy to argue. Bed sounded like heaven.

Jon strode into the office just before noon, hoping to surprise his girlfriend and take her to lunch. Finding her office empty he frowned and called Evelyn. "Where's Bri? Did she leave for lunch already?"

"I sent her home a couple hours ago. She looked awful."

"She's sick?" Disappointment turned to concern.

"Mmmm. I think she caught the nasty flu bug that's going around the city."


"White as a sheet and throwing up."

Jon grimaced. "Okay, thanks."

He puttered around the office for awhile, going through the mail, touching base with Paul about his writing session with Richie and a possible new album, and Craig Spencer about the Soul's upcoming season. Finally, he couldn't stay way any longer. He stood up, pulled on his coat and headed out the door.

When he left the building, Evelyn called Paul. "He just left." She looked at her watch. "An hour and five minutes. You win. I'd didn't think he'd last more than half an hour."

"Workaholic trumps romance every time." Was Paul's opinion.

At Brianna's apartment, Jon let himself in with the key she'd given him a few months ago rather than make her get up. Kicking off his boots, he headed straight for her bedroom, where he found her curled up, the covers pulled up to her chin.

"Honey?" He sat down on the bed beside her and reached out to smooth her hair off of her forehead, frowning at the heat of her skin.

At his touch, Brianna turned towards him, huddling close to his warmth. Despite the heat emanating from her body, she was shivering.

"Aw, poor baby. You really got a good dose of this flu didn't you." Shedding his coat, he slipped under the covers with her and held her close, hoping his body heat would ease her shivering.

When Brianna opened her eyes awhile later, she blinked at finding she had company - she didn't remember him coming in. "Jon?"

"Hey honey. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been run over by a Mack truck.....or threw up one." She winced as she swallowed. Searching his face, she frowned. "You're sweating. Are you getting sick too?"

"No. I'm fully dressed, including a heavy sweater under a mountain of blankets. Of course I'm sweating." His pressed his lips to her forehead, noting she was still hot.

"Mmmm. Sorry." She snuggled against his sweater and closed her eyes again.

"I'm not. I'm here for whatever you need. Are you hungry?"

Brianna grimaced and shook her head. "Don't think it would stay down."

"What about something to drink? Maybe some tea or water or juice? Tylenol?"

"Maybe later. Too tired."

"Okay. Sleep Golden Eyes. Just let me know when you want something."

"Mmmm hmm."

As the afternoon passed, Jon considered their options and what would work best. He'd called his mother, who was staying with the kids at the moment, before he'd left the office and she'd agreed to stay longer, but she had other obligations later on, so he needed to get home soon.

But Brianna needed looking after. This needing to be in two places at once was really getting old. He needed the people he cared about the most living together.

Brianna startled him out of his thoughts when she started fighting to get the covers off.

"Honey? What's wrong?"

She didn't answer, just fought harder to get untangled.

"Bri, take it easy." He reached out to try and calm her.

But she pushed him away. "" Finally freeing herself from the blankets, she jumped from the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

When she was finished, Jon handed her a glass of water to rinse her mouth and helped her back to bed. "Honey, do you think you can get up long enough for me to help you down to my car?"


"So I can take you home."

She frowned. "No."

"Okay, I'll carry you down. Want me to throw some stuff in a bag for you?"


"You sure? Not even some bathroom stuff?"

"No. Not going."

"Come on Golden Eyes, it won't be that bad of a drive. We can bring a bucket if you're afraid of throwing up on the way."

Brianna sighed and tried to get throughout to him. "Jon, I'm not going to your house."

It was Jon's turn to frown. "Why not? You're sick and it's our turn to take care of you."

She shook her head. "Not going to expose the kids to this." She groaned as another wave of nausea swirled in her stomach. "It's awful."

"All the more reason you shouldn't be alone. I'll keep the kids away from you. They'll be okay."



"I said no! I'm not going to your house. Go home and look after your kids." Brianna instructed stubbornly. She felt horrible and just wanted to be left alone to sleep.

Jon sighed and decided to retreat for the moment. He stomped into the kitchen to get something to drink and decide his next move. Opening the fridge, he frowned at its contents. He pulled out the bottle of juice, noting it was over half gone. There wasn't much there in the food department either - definitely nothing that a queasy stomach would be interested in.

Retrieving his coat, he stepped into his boots and headed downstairs. He walked the block and a half to her favourite deli where he loaded up with juice and a few varieties of soup that he knew she liked. Satisfied that he had enough to tide her over for a few days, he made his way back to Brianna's apartment.

He set the food on the counter and went to check on her. She was sleeping again, but when he put his hand on her forehead to check her fever, her eyes opened. "Hey honey, do you want some food? Maybe some soup or some juice?"

She started to shake her head, then stopped. "Maybe some juice."

"Okay." He put the soup in the fridge and poured a big glass of juice. Returning to the bedroom he propped her up enough to drink without spilling it all over herself. "I still wish you'd let me take you home."

"I am home."

"You know what I mean."

Brianna sighed. "I'll be perfectly fine here by myself. I've survived many illnesses without anyone hovering over me."

"But you shouldn't have to."

That meant more to her than she would ever be able to explain. "I appreciate your concern, and that you want to take care of me, but I'll be fine. Really! I just want to sleep."

Jon knew when he was beaten - even if he didn't like it. "Stubborn woman!" He sighed. "Okay. There's some soup in the fridge when your stomach settles down." He bent to kiss her.

"Mmmmm. Okay." When he didn't move, she laid her hand on his chest and pushed. "Go home!"

"Okay, okay, I'm going. I'll call you later."

Later that night, the ringing phone woke her up. "I'm still alive." Even though it feels like that might be up for debate.

"That's good to hear." Jon smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I could fry an egg on my forehead, I've thrown up my intestines and there's a demolition crew working in my head."

"Take more Tylenol." He advised.

"Thanks." She answered dryly.

"Have you eaten anything?"

"Ugh. No. Just sipping on juice."

"Poor baby."

"Mmmm. What are you doing?"

"Watching Ghost for the hundredth time."

"Stephanie got to pick the movie?" Brianna guessed.

"What was your first clue?" He asked dryly.

"Because I love that movie too. Patrick Swayze is so...." She sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. I thought you were sick."

"But I'm still breathing and the man is hot!"

"Yeah, yeah. I still don't see the attraction to this movie."

Brianna chuckled tiredly. "It's a girl thing. Gorgeous guy, killed in his prime, but he can't rest and until he makes sure his murderer is caught and his wife is safe." She sighed dramatically. "It's a love story that transcends even death."
Jon was silent for a long moment and Brianna could have kicked herself for bringing up sad memories. Blame it on her fever fried brain.

He pushed aside thoughts and wishes of the past and focused on the future. "Maybe I should buy you a pottery wheel."

"Mmmm. That could be fun." She started humming Unchained Melody. "Sing for me Blue Eyes."

He laughed. "You're pretty spunky for a sick woman."

"Tylenol high. It'll only be temporary." In fact, she could feel herself fading already. "What did you do today?"

He filled her in on his conversations with Paul and Craig. While he talked he noticed her responses getting shorter and quieter. "Honey? You still there?"


"Are you falling asleep?"


He smiled. "Get some rest. I'll call you tomorrow."


"Nite Golden Eyes. Feel better."

"Nite Blue Eyes. Love you." Disconnecting, she tossed the phone aside. Then her last words replayed in her head and her eyes flew open. Oh my God! What have I done?

Jon stared at his phone trying to decide whether he heard her right or if it was just wishful thinking. Did she just say she loves me? He debated calling her back, but figured she needed her rest - and he didn't want to take the chance she might try to take back her words. But he didn't want to leave her hanging like that either. A smile spread slowly across his face as he typed out a text.

Brianna was still trying to breathe and fight off an anxiety attack, afraid of what she'd opened herself up for, when her phone buzzed with a text. Dread of what it might say made her arm feel almost too heavy and weak to lift the phone. Squeezing one eye shut, she held her breath and looked at the display.



  1. Awwwwww - perfect way to end the chapter :)

  2. I loved his text........ Ditto. *big sigh*

  3. *smiling through tears*
    One of my all time top 5 movies...

  4. My bootleg VHS tape was almost worn in two. Perfect ending for the chaper. Thank You.

  5. Ditto???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ditto!!!!!!!!!! He couldn't wrote Love You back to her??????? Only Ditto!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes men drive me crazy!! He needs to say it back to her too!!!!!!!!!!

    1. "Ditto" was what Swayze said to Demi in Ghost alot, instead of just saying "I love you" all the time. It was kind of their thing! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love Ghost, Patrick Swayze is sexy but Jon is ten times sexier and romantic, now they know how the other one feels, time to take it to the next level, great chapter, can't wait for the next one.

  8. Why is it a week is just so darn loooonnnnggg! Love this story so much. Just hate the waiting!

  9. hahaha...see thats the kinda trouble a temperature can bring'Ghost'... 'Patrick Swayze'...'Love You'....'Ditto'...Nicely done Liz.
