Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chapter 92

"Dad, are you going to Uncle Southside's gig tonight?" Stephanie asked.


"Is Bri going with you?"


"Daddy." Romeo tried to interrupt. 

"Who's coming to stay with us?" While she was old enough to look after her brothers, Stephanie knew he liked to have another adult 'keep her company'. Of course, finding someone available on New Year's Eve wouldn't be easy.

"Grandma and Grandpa."

"Daddy." Romeo tried again.

"They aren't going to a party?"

"No. Grandpa's got a cold and doesn't feel like going out."


"Can we stay up and watch the ball drop?" Jesse wanted to know.

"You'll have to ask Grandma and Grandpa. That's up to them." His father answered.

The gate buzzed.


"Bianna's here!" Jake announced from his viewpoint out the window beside the front door.

"Why didn't she just stay here after Christmas instead of driving back again?" Jesse wondered.

"Because she went to see her parents for a couple days."


Even though Jesse had muttered to himself, his father heard him - and understood the sentiment.

"Necessary evil." Stephanie answered her brother.


"Yes Romeo, what is it?" Exasperated, Jon turned to his youngest to find him trying to undo his pants with one hand and holding his crotch with the other.


"Hang on!" Jon scooped him up and ran for the bathroom, passing Brianna as she entered the house. "Hi."

"Hi." Brianna answered, watching them rush down the hallway. Opening the closet to hang up her coat she looked up when Stephanie stepped into the foyer. She gestured with her chin down the hallway. "Hey. What's that all about?"

"Hmm? Oh. Romeo was trying to tell Dad he needed to pee, but Dad wasn't listening. Hope they made it in time."

Brianna smirked. "Me too."

Stephanie looked at Brianna's suitcase. "Why don't you leave a bunch of clothes here instead of having to cart stuff back and forth all the time?"

"Because then I might not have what I need in New York when I need it."

"That's an easy fix."

"Yeah? How? Buy two of everything?"

"No, move in here. Permanently"

Stunned speechless, Brianna's mouth dropped open. She just stared at the teenager who smirked and started for the kitchen. "Want some coffee? Or maybe a glass of wine?"

"Better make it a bottle." Brianna muttered.

"Bina!" Romeo ran in and hugged her legs.

"Hi little man. Did you make it to the potty in time?"

"Yup!" He nodded proudly.

"Good boy!" She hugged him back and sent Jon an amused glance. "Close call?"

His lips twisted into a wry smiled. "Yes, and I know, bad Daddy for not paying closer attention."

She leaned over to kiss him. "Yes, but you're really doing a great job."

"Don't sound so surprised."

"Well, I'm well aware that you can be a bit of a prima donna, but I never pictured you as a domestic diva."

His brows snapped together. "Hey! I'm not a prima donna!"

"Of course not dear." She patted his cheek and held out her hand to Romeo. "Come on little man, let's go get a snack."


Brianna had barely stepped backstage at the Count Basie Theatre when she found herself engulfed. "Sweetness!

"Dammit Southside, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your hands off my girlfriend!"

John looked down at Brianna. "What's got his panties in a bunch?"

She shrugged. "Who knows?"

"Ah." John winked at her. "Prima donna strikes again."

Choking back a laugh, Brianna waited for the explosion.

"I am not a fucking prima donna!" Jon glared at both of them.

"Of course you're not honey." Brianna soothed, rubbing his arm.

"He just likes things the way he likes them, when he wants them." Southside agreed.

In response, he got a Jersey salute.

At the movement, light glinted off the metal hanging around Jon's neck.

"Hey what's that hanging around your neck Sweetbutt? Sweetness put a leash on you?"

Jon's expression softened. "She can tie be up anytime she wants." He ignored the speculative look his words brought to Brianna's face and lifted the charms for easier viewing.  "The necklace has charms with each of my kids names and birth dates."

"Nice." He winked at Brianna. "Better hang on to this one Sweetbutt. She actually understands you."

Pleasure and pride fought for control of Jon's expression. "I know."

The show was a lot of fun. Southside was in his usual good humour, full of crazy antics. He even got Jon laughing.

From her spot in the wings, Brianna laughed, her heart swelling at seeing Jon so relaxed and happy. It had been a long time. He would always grieve Dorothea's loss, but his mourning was  done. He was ready to live again. And for him living meant performing - his lifeblood. Her mind started racing with thoughts of everything that would have to be done to prepare for a tour. Of course they needed an album firstL but with Richie arriving in a few days, that should take care of that. Maybe she should alert Paul that a tour would be sooner rather than later.

"FOUR.....THREE....TWO......ONE.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

Loud cheers from the audience jerked Brianna's attention back to her surroundings. She hadn't realized how late it had gotten. Confetti and ribbon rained down on the stage and the audience. She didn't see Jon approach, but he was suddenly there, pulling her into his arms, his mouth capturing hers.

When he lifted his head, he grinned at her. "Happy New Year Golden Eyes."

"Happy New Year Blue Eyes."

Suddenly they were pulled apart and Brianna found herself spun across the stage. Southside dipped her and kissed her.

"Happy New Year Sweetness." Standing her upright, he grabbed the microphone. "I love New Year's Eve, especially when Sweetbutt brings such beautiful women!"

The audience laughed, especially when Jon stomped over and pulled her back to his side.

"I told you before, get your own, old man, this one's mine!"

Brianna laughed and patted his chest reassuringly.

The familiar strains of Auld Lang Syne filled the theatre. Brianna was shocked when Jon shifted his hold on her, wrapped his arms around her and began to dance. "Are you alright?"

"Great. Why?"

"You're dancing."

"Mmhmmm. Good excuse to hold you in public."

"Ah." She grinned and kissed him.

When they got back to the house, they found everyone asleep. John Sr, and Carol were staying over rather than driving home so late. Still a little wired from the show, they checked on the kids and settled into the living room in front of the fire for their habitual nightcap.

When Brianna snuggled closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder, Jon kissed the top of her head. "Tired?"

"Happy." I could stay here forever.

"Me too." I'd like her to stay here forever.

Maybe Stephanie is right.


  1. *quietly hums "Diamond Ring"*
    Listen to your daughter Sweetbutt!

  2. Great chapter. Loved how Stefanie dropped that bomb on Bri. She really got her with that! Way to go Stef! Now Jon needs to get his butt in gear & talk to Bri about his feelings!

  3. come on Jon tell Bri how you feel and you would like for her to move in, .great chapter.

  4. Finally... Now to say it out loud...

  5. Aw that was lovely...really did see Bri's face when Steph told her to move in know Bri's been waiting for little signs that the kids are ready for Jon & herself to move ahead..well that was a full on flashing neon Billboard if there was ever much fun to read...
