Saturday, August 30, 2014

Chapter 87

After putting the little ones to bed, rather than returning downstairs Brianna escaped to her bedroom to think. She needed some time to let her emotions subside and her mind to clear......and to decide how to deal with Jon. She wanted to believe that he hadn't betrayed her on purpose, but it was hard to ignore the evidence in front of her. He knew what her father was like and how it made her feel, and yet he treated her the same way her father had - like he knew best despite her feelings.

She'd promised herself after her divorce that she would never put herself in that position again. Any relationship she entered into had to be based on mutual respect and equality. It had to be a partnership. She'd thought Jon understood that and agreed.  Now she wasn't so sure. First, he'd invited her family here without discussing it with her, then to add insult to injury, it appeared he was keeping her out of the business side of things too.

She leaned her head against the window, eyes squeezed shut against the pain. The Jon she saw today wasn't the man she thought she knew. Maybe it was just a one time deviation. She hoped it was. Or everything she'd built was a lie, and her instincts had failed her miserably.

She'd opened herself up to this man - this family - like she never had before in her life. And if she was wrong about the man he truly was.....if she was wrong she would lose everything.

She gave herself a mental shake. It had to be a mistake. A plan that went awry. Her instincts couldn't be that far off. She just had to calm down and let him explain. She couldn't let her visceral reaction to her father and his beliefs ruin what could be a wonderful relationship.

But what if she was wrong?

Downstairs, Stephanie eyed her father. "What's wrong with Bri?"

Jon didn't pretend not to know what she was talking about. Brianna had hardly spoken throughout dinner. Even after her family left, she remained subdued, only speaking when spoken to and then only to the kids. He sighed. "She's mad at me."

"Uh oh. What'd ya do?" Jesse snickered.

"I tried to surprise her by inviting her family over today." He grimaced. "It didn't go as well as I'd planned. Bri and her father.....don't exactly see eye to eye on some things."

"Like a woman's place in the world?" Stephanie guessed.

Jon's brows rose. He wasn't sure she was old enough to have understood what his comments meant. "You caught that?"

She shrugged. "Bri got all tense when he asked me if I thought running a business was an appropriate career for me. I figured she didn't like it."

"No, she didn't." He paused. "Steph....I didn't like it either. Most people don't think that way anymore. I want you to know that I believe you can be and do anything you put your mind to.  Whether it's looking after a house or looking after a company, as long as you're happy, I'll be proud of you."

"Thanks Dad." She hugged him, then leaned back. "Now go make up with your girlfriend."

"Yeah." Jon rubbed a hand over his face, sighed and stood. "Wish me luck. I think I'm going to need it."

"Apologize." His children advised in unison.

Jon snorted. "Thanks. I had that much figured out."

Upstairs, Jon stood in front of her door and took a deep breath before opening it. He decided against knocking, afraid she wouldn't let him in. Entering the room, he closed the door behind him. She was standing on the opposite side of the room, leaning against the window, arms hugging herself. When she turned her head to look at him, the pain in her eyes and the tears on her cheeks were like a knife to his heart. "I'm sorry."

She stared at him, her only response the slight lift of one eyebrow.

"I was trying to surprise you with a family get together."

She snorted.

"I know, I know, not my best idea ever. But I swear it wasn't done to hurt you. I just thought it would be good for the kids to meet them and vice versa."

"You really thought it was a good idea to expose the kids to my father's beliefs without preparing them first?"

"That was why you wanted to wait." The light bulb went on and he cursed his own impatience.

Brianna nodded. "You've seen what he can be like. It was their first meeting and he was already trying to tell Steph what was and wasn't 'appropriate'. And you've only heard his views on women. Wait until he enlightens you about children!"

"Let me guess: they should be seen and not heard?"

She nodded. "And always clean and tidy." The memory of her father's disapproving look at Romeo's chocolate covered face made her jaw clench. "I wanted to protect them from that. But you knew better. After all, I'm just a woman. What could I possibly know about what was best for anyone? You're the boss and this is your family, so naturally everything must be done your way on your schedule. Heaven forbid you actually discuss it with me or consider my feelings. You speak and I must obey."

He realized the venom in her tone was more from being treated like a second class citizen by her father all her life than from her anger at him - although that anger was not insignificant. His stomach sank as he realized just how much he'd unintentionally hurt her. "Honey...."

"And now you're not even letting me do my job!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You asked Richie to come in for a song writing session after the holidays, but you didn't tell me. Normally I'd be asked to make his travel arrangements, but you didn't even tell me he was coming!" The tears started again. "I thought you were different Jon. I thought since your business was music and not a multinational corporation you could recognize my abilities and appreciate them! But today just proves that you're just like the rest of them!"

He needed to stop her before she totally went off the deep end. "Bri, stop!" Crossing the room, he took her in his arms. "The only thing today proves is that I made a mistake. I misjudged how far down that rabbit hole to the past your father lived. And how much growing up with his beliefs affected you." And obviously scarred you. Framing her face with his hands, he raised it until he could look into her eyes. "And I'm truly sorry about that. I should have realized. At the very least I should have talked to you more about it before inviting your family over. I wasn't trying to overrule you or act like I know best. I swear I wasn't! I was just......trying to bring the families - mine and yours - together. You know my family - parents, brothers, kids, all of them - love you. We're together. A couple. That means our families - and you and I - will all need to find a way to at least be civil. The sooner we start the sooner that will happen."

Brianna sniffed, drew in a ragged breath and frowned. " father....the kids..."

Jon nodded and rubbed her back. "I know. I really fucked up on that one. I've never met anyone like him. I never dreamed he would be like that - especially with someone else's kids."

He urged her towards the bed and sat beside her, one arm holding her close. "You and I will have to protect them as much as we can and make sure they understand that we don't share his beliefs." Like someone should have done for you! "We can have as much or as little contact with them as you want - or think is right for the kids. You will have complete control over that."


"I promise. The kids' welfare comes first. I will defer to your judgement when it comes to that and your family."

Brianna nodded.

"As for Richie......he's a big boy. He can look after his own travel arrangements. That's what his assistant is for, not mine. You spoiled him during the tour. But right now I figure you have enough on your plate looking after me and the kids. I wasn't trying to prevent you from doing your job." His lips twitched. "If anything I was being selfish. I want your focus on me and the kids."

She had to smile at that.  Expression sobering, she looked down at her hands in her lap and sighed. "I'm sorry I kind of lost it and accused you of..."

"Sssh sweetheart." He cut off her apology, pressing a kiss to her temple. "I don't blame you at all. In your shoes I would have done the same thing."

"Still, I shouldn't have done that. I had this grand intention of listening to your explanation and discussing it calmly." She snorted derisively. "That worked about as well as your surprise plan."

Jon chuckled and squeezed her. "We're quite the pair today. But we survived it, a little bruised, but both a little wiser with no permanent damage done." He ducked his head to catch her eye. "Didn't we?"

Brianna searched his eyes, and saw nothing but sincerity. While her mind - and her battered psyche - warned her to be cautious, her heart and her gut instincts told her to trust him, the risk was worth the rewards if she was right. And they could make it work. He wasn't the only one who made mistakes. She needed to give him the benefit of the doubt.

She nodded. "We're okay."

"Good." He leaned in to kiss her. "I think we've got something good going here. I don't want to lose you."

"Me either."

He nuzzled her neck. "The fire's going downstairs. Care for a glass of wine?"

"Mmmmm. Sounds wonderful."

Taking her hand, he stood and led her out of the room.

Stephanie and Jesse were still sitting in the living room. Seeing the adults enter holding hands, they exchange glances and smiled,

Brianna sat while Jon went to get the wine. "Steph, I want to talk to you about what my father said about your career ideas."

"It's okay," Stephanie assured her, "Dad already told me to ignore him and do whatever I decide I want to do."

Brianna smiled, relieved and elated that Jon had spoken up to reassure his daughter of his faith in her abilities. A mark in the plus column for him in her book. "Good. It's your life, you decide what you want to do with it."


  1. nice turn around, but he will have to do more to heal those scars

  2. Oh I'm sure he will. He'll make it all better now that he knows how deep her scars go.

  3. I don't think we've seen the last of her family. I think that Bri and Jon have talked it out and are good again.

    Good chapter. Thanks,

  4. So glad Bri and Jon made up, but I think he'll have to still prove his feelings to Bri.

  5. Aw that was a great convo between them..They both got their point across..It was a sweet thing Jon tried to do but Im guessing its not something he will try again...Unless there is a huge improvement between Bri & her Dads relationship...Im so glad this didnt cause a riff between the Lovebirds..& Im glad Jon had the talk with Steph about Bri's Dads miss guided ideas on women & their career paths..
    Wow Liz..I just read the last 2 chapters & you just never fail us..brilliant chapters they both were...Well Done & thankyou!!!

  6. So glad they were able to talk their way through that. Poor Bri. That really hit her hard. So unlike her to be so irrational but understandable for sure. Her reaction just seemed a little when your hormones are running a muck.....any chance she could be pregnant Liz? Oh that'd be fun I think.

    Loved the chapter. Awesome as always.

