Saturday, June 8, 2013

Chapter 22

Brianna leaned her head back against the seat as she waited for the gates to open and let her driver pull through. She'd spent uncounted time trying to figure out why she'd been instructed to meet Jon at the house to head out on the next leg of the tour rather than the airport as she usually did, before realizing that she was only wasting mental energy and stressing herself out. Normal, logical thinking didn't necessarily apply under their current circumstances. She'd just have to wait and see what was happening and what was required of her.

When the car came to a stop in front of the door, Brianna stepped out and braced herself for what she was going to find on the other side of the wide wooden panel.

Stephanie opened the door. "Hi. Dad said he'll be right down. Mom's in the kitchen."

"Thanks. Did you have a good holiday?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, it was pretty good. Not long enough though."

"They never are."

In the kitchen, Dorothea looked up from pouring coffee as they entered. "Want a cup?" She held out the mug towards Brianna. "It's a fresh pot."

"Thanks." Brianna accepted the cup and sipped, studying the other woman's face. She looked a little pale, but more rested than the last time she'd seen her. There were spots where her hair was noticeably thinner, but she’d combed it so that any actual bare spots weren’t obvious.

"Steph, would you go check on the little ones for me please?"

With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, Stephanie complied.

As soon as she was out of earshot, the smile faded from Dorothea's face and she turned serious. Gesturing towards the table, she urged Brianna to sit before taking a seat herself. "I had Jon call you out here today to fill you in on where things are at with me."

"Are you feeling better? You look better."

Dorothea nodded. "A little. The effects of the chemo's worn off and I've been sleeping better."

"Good." Brianna hesitated, but she'd been thrust into this private situation by the woman sitting opposite her. "Have you got the results yet?"

"No. That's one of the reasons I wanted to see you. My doctor's appointment is the day after tomorrow. I know Jon has a full schedule with interviews and I don't want to distract him from that, so I'll call you and you can pass it on to him." She paused to sip her coffee and smiled wryly at the expression on Brianna's face. "That will also give you a few moments to prepare for his reaction."

Great! Brianna could feel a headache start brewing behind her eyes. Before she could do more than nod her understanding, they were interrupted.

"Bianna!" Jake rushed over and climbed onto her lap, flung his arms around her neck and squeezed. "I miss you!"

"Hey buddy!" She squeezed him back. "I missed you too! Did Santa bring you lots for Christmas?"

He nodded. "Uh huh. I gotted a twain an a car an some books an some cwose an moowies."

While she listened to her son regale Brianna with the minute details of each of his presents, Dorothea watched them, noting Jake's animated face and Brianna's total concentration on him, a big smile curving her lips. The affection between them was obvious and heartwarming.

"Jake, Copper just knocked over your Lego building." Jesse informed his brother as he entered the room and opened the fridge.

Jake slid off Brianna's lap and booked it towards the living room. "Bad Doggie!"

"So Jesse, is your football season done?" Brianna asked.

"Not yet. We made the playoffs."

"That's great! Congratulations!"


"What's the competition like? How do you feel about your chances?"

Jesse sipped from a glass of juice while he pondered her question. "If our defence brings their A game we have a pretty good shot."

"Good luck."


Once again, Dorothea watched the interaction between Brianna and her child. The older two had learned, courtesy of their father's life in the spotlight, to be careful and reserved around people they didn't know well, so she was surprised at how comfortable they seemed to be around Brianna.

Clomping footsteps heralded Jon's arrival. Dorothea stood to pour him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks honey, but I could have gotten it myself."

Dorothea just smiled, resumed her seat and picked up her own cup.

He turned to Brianna. "Hi. Did you bring the latest batch of mail?"

"Yes, and Jennifer sent over the list from Craig for the Drive Schedule for this season's home games." The Philadelphia Soul had a program of asking fans attending home games to bring certain items to be donated to local charities. They called the list of these items the 'Drive Schedule'.

"Great. We can go over it on the plane."

The beep of the gate signalled the arrival of their transportation to the airport.

"DAD! CAR'S HERE!" Jesse bellowed from the foyer.

"Thanks Jess, we're coming." Jon answered.

Brianna stood and turned to Dorothea. "I'll talk to you soon."

Dorothea nodded. "Have a safe trip."

Once she'd left the room, Jon stepped closer and gathered his wife into his arms. "Promise you'll call as soon as you get home from the doctor."

"I will."

"Take care of yourself honey. I'll call you tonight." He held her tighter. "I love you."

"I know you do. I love you too. Have a safe trip. And try to remember to be nice."

"Yes dear." He turned to leave, but she didn't miss the rolling of his eyes.

The car was silent as they pulled out of the gates and turned onto Navesink River Road. Brianna debated, but decided to let Jon talk when he was ready.

Finally he sighed and raked a hand through his hair. "She told you?"


"And you'll tell me as soon as she calls." It wasn't a question.

Brianna hesitated for a split second. "As soon as I can."

His brows snapped together. "That's not what I said. I don't care what I'm doing or who I'm talking to, you interrupt."


"Brianna......I mean it. I..." He swallowed heavily. "I need to know,"

"Okay. I understand."

"Whatever the results, I need to know." He spoke as though he didn't hear her, his eyes wet and shadowed.

"Jon...." She responded to his pain and reached out to grasp his hand. "I understand. I'll interrupt. I promise."

Dorothea watched until the car cleared the gate and disappeared, while a germ of an idea began to take root. Entering the house, she headed for her sitting room where she could sit and let the meandering Navesink outside the window soothe her and let her mind nurture the idea into a full fledged plan.  Having a plan if her worst nightmare was about to come true felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

Feeling more at peace than she had in months, she went to hang out with her children. 


  1. I have a very bad feeling that the news will not be good....
    Now what is this plan that Dorothea came up with?

  2. Wish we could find out sooner than next week?

  3. I agree in what has been said = her results will be her worst nihjtmare. god help Brianna in dealing with her boss! it will be very sad for them all. hopefully at that point Jon will agree to telling the band.
    Yes it would be nice it we could have a vhapter sooner than next weekemd!
