Saturday, April 4, 2015

Chapter 118

The next morning, Brianna was awakened by the buzz of the gate opening. A quick glance at the clock - and the weakness of the sun streaming through her window - assured her she hadn't over slept. It really was just past dawn.

Groaning, she rolled over and cuddled into Jon's side. "Seriously? Who would be coming here at this hour?"

"That would be my father." Jon guessed.


"Yes." He yawned. "When he says his sauce has to simmer all day, he means all day."

"Great." With a heavy sigh she started to sit up.

Jon stopped her with a hand on her arm. "Where are you going?"

"To say hello and help him find things in the kitchen."

"He knows where everything is." He tugged her arm. "Come here. Let's go back to sleep for a little while."

She sighed and shook her head. "You go ahead. I'm awake now. Besides, the florists will be here soon.....and my family."

He watched her walk into the bathroom, then rolled over and groaned. He didn't mind her mother and sisters-in-law, he got along okay with her brothers, but her father was another story. It was going to take all his self control to get through the next two days without losing his temper and telling her father exactly what he thought of him and his treatment of his daughter. But that wouldn't make life easier for anyone, least of all Brianna.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Brianna tightened the belt of her robe and smiled. Jon was sprawled face down, his arms wrapped around her pillow, the blankets bunched around his waist, sound asleep. He looked so peaceful she didn't have the heart to wake him. She bent over him, brushed his hair off his forehead, kissed him, and headed downstairs.

"Morning John." She glanced around the kitchen, noting the bags of ingredients on the counter and the cutting board on the island. "Are you finding everything you need okay?"

"Good morning Sunshine! I didn't wake you did I? Carol will have my ass if the bride has circles under her eyes because I disrupted her sleep."

Brianna smiled. "It's fine. The florists will be arriving pretty soon and the kids will be up before long too." She smothered a yawn.

John turned to the coffee pot and reached for a mug. Filling it, he handed it to her. "And the groom?"

"He went back to sleep. He needs his beauty sleep you know."

"Oh right, of course." Jon snorted. "Do you want some breakfast?"

"Not yet. I'll wait a bit." She glanced at the grocery bags again. "How can I help?"

"By sitting there and keeping me company." He pointed at the stool on the opposite side of the island and picked up a knife and a bunch of herbs.

"Will you teach me the family recipes?" She asked as she sat.

He paused in his chopping. "You want to learn?"

"Mmmm." She nodded. "Very much."

A grin spread over his face. "Then settle in and I'll give you a crash course in Sicilian cooking."

An hour later, the gate buzzed again. Setting down her mug, Brianna went to see who it was. "Hi Carol."

"Hello dear." She noticed Brianna was still in her robe. "Did my husband wake you?"

"No, it's fine. He's been giving me Sicilian cooking lessons."

Carol crooked a brow. "Was that his idea or yours?"


"You just went to the top of his favourites list."

"Grandma!" Jake called from the top of the stairs and came running down.

"Ssh, Jake. Not so loud. People are still sleeping." Brianna admonished gently.

Jake clamped a hand over his mouth. "Sorry."

"Come on." Carol motioned to him. "Grandpa's in the kitchen."

"He making breakfast?"

"I'm sure he will if you ask him."


Brianna followed them and sank onto her stool again. "I wish I had his energy."

"Don't we all." Carol patted her shoulder. "Try not to overdo it today. If you need a nap, take one or you'll never get through tomorrow."

Even though Brianna knew her soon to be mother-in-law was probably right, with everything she needed to accomplish today, she couldn't see how a nap could fit in.

A few minutes later, the rest of the kids appeared, and breakfast preparations got under way.

"Is your dad still sleeping?" Carol asked.

"Nope. I waked him up." Romeo answered.

"Who could sleep with all the racket down here?" Jon asked from the doorway.

"Uncle Mookie." Jesse answered.

"True. We likely won't see him for a few hours yet." Jon agreed. Drawn by the aromas wafting from the stove, he stepped forward to investigate. As he passed Brianna, he paused to kiss her and squeeze her hip before continuing on. Peeking into a simmering pot, he inhaled. "Mmm. Smells good Dad."

"Thanks. I just hope I have enough to feed everyone." John frowned.

Stephanie glanced around the kitchen. "It looks like there's enough to feed the entire Roman army before the attack on Persia." When the adults stared at her, she shrugged. "We're studying ancient civilizations in history class this semester. I was reading ahead in the textbook."

"Brown noser." Jesse sneered.

"Judging by your last report card, you could benefit from a little extra study time." Jon pointed out.

Jesse grumbled and focused on his plate.

They'd just finished breakfast when the gate buzzed again, this time signalling a visitor. Brianna went to see who it was and open the gate. "It's the florists. And I'm not even dressed yet!"

"Go." Carol waved her towards the stairs. "I'll get them started. It'll take them awhile to unload anyway."

Like the tent crew, the florists would be at the estate at least part of two days. The finishing touches - and the bouquets - would be brought the following morning, but the large arrangements that could withstand a night outside, and the indoor decorations would be installed today. Since the possibility of many guests wandering through the house was high, Brianna wanted to be sure that the house was shown off beautifully.


By the time she returned downstairs, the foyer looked like she was entering a jungle. Clipboard in hand, she spent the next hour alternating between inside and outside, with a few side trips to the kitchen to check if John needed anything.

Sara, Lisa and Rachel stepped out into the back yard, and looked around. It was organized chaos, but they could see the scene Brianna was trying to set. They found the lady herself inside the tent.

"Bri, it going to be beautiful." Lisa declared.

"It really is." Rachel agreed.

"Thanks. I think so too...if it ever gets done." Brianna rubbed her forehead. "It's taking longer than I thought. Okay. The table in the Inn needs to be set up for dinner. Jon and Richie are setting up the table itself. Tablecloths, dishes, cutlery and glasses are in the dining room. The florists will bring in the arrangements once the table's ready. Then..."

"All of that will get taken care of." Lisa assured her. "But right now you need to come with us."

"Where? What's wrong." Dread swirled in Brianna's stomach.

"We're taking you to the spa." Rachel explained. "It's time to take care of you."

"Oh that sounds nice, but I really can't. There's too much to do here and...."

"We can take care of it." Sara assured her.


Carol entered the tent and plucked the clipboard out of Brianna's hand. "I'll co-ordinate with the florists. Sara will look after the table and anything else that needs doing. We've got your lists."


"Go Golden Eyes." Strong arms slid around her waist and pulled her against a hard chest as the words were murmured in her ear. "You've earned it. Go have your nails done or whatever you girls do at those places to relax. We've got this."

She knew she should stay and deal with what needed to be done, but she really did need to have her nails done. A squeeze from Jon and the hopeful look on her mother's face pushed her over the edge. "Okay." She turned to kiss him. "We won't be long. I'll have my phone."

Along with the manicure, pedicure and facial that she expected, Brianna found that the girls had arranged for a massage as well. Feeling pleasantly pummelled and relaxed, Brianna took a seat in the empty chair between her sisters-in-law and set her hands and feet in the soaking dishes provided.

Rachel eyed her for a moment. "So. Since the wedding is still on I'm assuming the damage from the storm has been repaired?"

"Interesting way to put it." Brianna snickered. "Yes. We talked it out. Romeo calling me momma really knocked him for a loop and he reacted badly."

"Do you think.....maybe....he might need some grief counselling?" Lisa asked gently.

"I thought about that." Brianna admitted. "But I think as long as he talks about his feelings, especially when unexpected reminders pop, up I think he'll be alright."

Both girls nodded and turned to a more pleasant topic.

"So where are you going on your honeymoon?" Rachel grinned.

"I don't know. He won't tell me. Says he wants to surprise me. He won't even tell me what season to pack for. Says it's a honeymoon. I don't need clothes."

"So you pack some of everything.....and make him carry the luggage." Lisa suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Brianna agreed.

By the time they returned to the house, the florists had gone for the day and Jon's brothers and the rest of the band members had arrived.

"Sunshine!" Tony enveloped her in a bear hug. "You look radiant!"

"Thanks, Tony."

After greeting the others and introducing her family members, Brianna made a quick check of the work that had been done while she was gone. In the living room the garland above the large windows facing the river had fallen down in the middle. Knowing it was futile, she nevertheless stretched up, trying to reach it. Even jumping she was about a foot short. She was debating possible solutions when Jon walked in.

Following her gaze, he saw the problem. "Need me to get that?"

She didn't want to hurt his feelings, but she doubted he would be able to reach it either. She was about to ask him to get a chair she could stand on when she noticed Jake enter the room. "Jake, would you go find Uncle Matt or Uncle Mookie and ask them to come here please?"


Jon raise a brow. "Don't think I can do it?"

Brianna stepped close to him and wound her arms around his neck. "I have a more important job for your arms."

"Oh yeah?" He grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Something like this?"

"Mmm. Exactly." Touching her mouth to his, she ran her tongue along his lips, scraping her teeth over the bottom one.

"What's up Sunshine? Jake said you wanted to see me?" Matt snorted at his brother. "Save it for after the wedding bro."

Jon raised his middle finger.

"See that hook up there?" Brianna pointed to the wall above the fallen garland. "Can you hook the garland on it please?"

"Sure." Reaching up, Matt easily reattached the floral rope. "Like that?"

"Perfect. Thanks Matt."

"No problem."

Richie had watched from the doorway and now turned to Jon. "What, you couldn't fix it for her?"

"He couldn't reach it." Matt smirked.

"Ah. Of course." Richie nodded.

This time the finger was aimed at both of them.

Brianna looked at her watch. "We should get set up for the rehearsal. I hope everyone's here."

"Oh. Your father and the rest of your family just arrived." Jon informed her, his jaw tensing.

Her hands gripped his shoulders. "Please be nice."

"I will as long as he is, but if he starts on you I won't sit back and watch you take it."

Matt and Richie exchanged glances.

When the minister arrived the entire group moved outside and listened while he walked them through the ceremony.

"Then you face each other, we'll do the vows, repeat after me and so forth, exchange the rings, 'I now pronounce you man and wife', then..."

Before he could say anymore, Jon swept Brianna into his arms, bent her backwards and kissed her. Not a peck, not a chaste touching of mouths, but a full on 'I could eat you whole and do you right in front of the preacher' kiss.

While the gathered friends and family - most of them at least - hooted and laughed, Edward scowled. "Brianna! That is not acceptable behaviour for a Wilson!"

Jon stiffened and Brianna gripped his arms. But before either one of them could react, another voice rang out.

"But it's perfect for a Bongiovi!" John assured her, stepping forward and opening his arms wide. "We are blessed and thrilled to welcome her into our family."

Brianna blinked back tears, smiled and walked into his arms. "Thank you."

They gathered in the Inn for dinner and drinks. Whether Sara managed to convince Edward to keep quiet or he realized he was outnumbered, he kept his disapproval to himself for the rest of the evening - at least verbally. His facial expressions spoke volumes however, and everyone gave him a wide berth.

Everyone else had a good time.

As the evening wore on, the mood became relaxed and mellow. Soon after the kids went to bed, Brianna's family and Jon's parents left. It was nearing midnight when Brianna, sitting on Jon's lap, yawned for the third time in ten minutes and gave up.  "Okay guys, I've got to call it a night."

"Nite Sunshine."

"Nite Beautiful."

When Jon stood up with her, Richie grabbed his arm. "Uh uh. Kiss her goodnight. The next time you see her will be on her way to the altar."

Jon frowned. "But..."

"Nope. You're bunking in the guest house tonight." Tico shook his head. "No seeing the bride before the wedding."

With a sigh Jon leaned over to kiss her. "We can still make a run for Vegas."

She laughed and kissed him back. "Not after all this work. One more night won't kill you." She started for the door, then paused and raised a warning finger and shot a pointed look at his crotch. "Oh. Fair warning. If you show up hung over tomorrow, blue will become black in a hurry. Capisce?"

Grimacing, he nodded. "Capisce."

The men watched her leave with various levels of admiration and fear.

"Dude, are you sure she's not Italian?" Tony chuckled.


  1. loved John Sr's comment! looking forward to the wedding!

  2. Oh who wouldnt luv private cooking lessons with Mr. B .... I can see Daddy Dearest being an issue at the wedding...really want to see a Knock on the Wedding!!
