Saturday, March 15, 2014

Chapter 63

Jon refilled his coffee cup. Moving to stand in front of the kitchen window, he sighed. To say events the night of Stephanie's party hadn't gone the way he wanted would be an understatement. Instead of spending a pleasant - very pleasant - evening with Brianna, he'd pissed her off and she'd left. And she hadn't been back. All work had been done by phone, courier and e-mail.

He didn't blame her for being upset. She thought he wanted to use her to scratch an itch, and since he signed her paycheck - was 'bought and paid for' so to speak - she felt like a whore. He got it, he just didn't know how to fix it.

"Okay. Jake and Romeo are asleep, Steph's reading, and Jesse's playing a video game." Desiree informed her brother-in-law as she entered the kitchen, Matt following close behind.


"I haven't seen Sunshine around lately." Matt observed. "Is she on vacation?"

"No." Jon practically bit out the word.

"Uh oh." Desiree interpreted his tone correctly. "What happened?"

It was several seconds before Jon answered. He shrugged. "I fucked up."

"What? You mean she didn't succumb to your legendary charm and sex appeal?" Matt managed to look shocked.

"Fuck off." Jon scowled at his baby brother. "Asshole."

"Ignore him." Desiree shot her husband an exasperated look. "Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help."

"When I tried to kiss her, she asked me whether I was really ready for a relationship or if I was just looking for a warm body to scratch an itch with."

"And what did you say?"

"That we could just enjoy ourselves and see where it goes. Isn't that a reasonable answer?"

Desiree looked thoughtful. "Maybe for someone who doesn't know you - and what you've been through - as well as she does." She hesitated. "Not to mention Dot's 'plan'. What did she say then?"

Jon grimaced. "That there were a lot of things she'd do to help me, but she wouldn't be my whore. Then she left."

Both Desiree and Matt winced. "Ouch!"

"No shit. So what do I do?"

"What do you want from her?"

"Why do women want to label everything?"

"Stop avoiding the question." Desiree admonished him. "All things considered, it's a reasonable question. She doesn't want to set herself up to get hurt, not to mention risk her job. Remember what happened with her ex....who was also her boss."

Jon stood up to lace the room. “I don't know what I want! All I know is that I'm lonely..."

"And horny." Matt smirked.

But Jon waved his comment aside and shook his head. "As you pointed out, getting sex isn't a problem for me. This isn't about sex...or not just about sex. I want someone I can talk to out of bed. About the kids, music, charitable projects, current events......everything."

"And you can talk to Brianna about all of that stuff?" Desiree figured she knew the answer, but she was making a point.

"Yes. I can talk to her about anything."

"Or just sitting quietly?" When he nodded again, she pushed harder. "And you're comfortable with her around your home and your children?"

"Of course. You know that."

"Uh huh." She agreed. "Sounds to me like you've just answered her question."

Eyes wide, Jon stared at his sister-in-law for a moment, then smiled. "I understand why my brother married you, but what do you see in him?"

Matt flipped him off. "Asshole."

Brianna was sitting in her office going through the day's mail, when she heard movement in Jon's office. She didn't know whether to get up and check it out, or stay put and wait for whoever it was to come to her. If it was Jon, she'd just as soon put off her next face to face meeting with him as long as possible.

Ever since the night she'd walked out of his house, their relationship had become awkward and a little uncomfortable - at least for her. She really missed their easy camaraderie, but she didn't regret what she'd said. If she was going to be with him physically she didn't want it to be some casual, temporary situation. She deserved better than that. It needed to be all or nothing....or at least they needed to give 'all' a damn good try.

She just hoped she hadn't blown any chance she had at finding happiness with Jon....and ruined their working relationship. Aside from everything else, she really did love her job and wanted to continue doing it.


She looked up to see Jon in the doorway connecting their offices. A searching glance at his face revealed some tension, but it didn't appear to be anger. More like....nervousness. "Hey. I didn't know you were coming in today." She glanced behind him. "Did you bring the kids?"

"No. Matt and Desiree took them to a water park, so I decided it was a good time to touch base here." He walked over and took the chair on the other side of her desk. He rubbed his hands on his thighs and glanced around the room. His eyes lit on the papers in front of her. "Is that the mail? Anything important?"

"Just a few invitations and a couple charity ideas that are still in the research stage. Nothing urgent."

He nodded and looked around the room again.

"Jon, is there something on your mind?"

Sighing, he rubbed his palms on his jeans again and nodded. "The last time you were at the house, you asked me a question I couldn't give you a clear answer to."

The tension coiling in her stomach threatened to make her nauseous. "I was out of line, I..."

"No you weren't. You have every right to ask and deserve an honest answer." He took a deep breath. "I......I'm lonely Bri. Not just for physical companionship. I miss having someone - a woman - in my life that I can talk to, out of bed, about my work, my kids, books, movies.....whatever." His gaze met hers. "You're the only woman other than Dot that I've felt that comfortable with in a very long time. And the kids already love you, so there's no concerns there. So, in answer to your question, I'm not interested in just a warm body to scratch an itch with. I'm looking for someone to share my life with. I want a relationship, not a whore."

"A relationship.....with me." She knew she probably sounded like an idiot, but she had to be sure she'd heard him correctly and not just the words she wanted to hear.

"Yes with you. I'd like to give it a try anyway." He frowned. "Why is that so hard to believe?"

She blushed and shrugged.

"Bri? Why do you sound so skeptical?"

She shrugged again. "I'm hardly a beauty queen." She held up her hand to forestall the protest she could see forming on his lips. "Oh I'm not ugly. I've been called attractive. But I have no illusions about my physical attributes. You could have your pick, so yes, I guess I'm a little skeptical."

"Am I hearing ghosts of husband past here?"

Another shrug.

Jon sighed and leaned forward, his hand reaching across the desk for hers. "Bri, regardless of what the asshole you were married to said, I find you very beautiful. Plus, you're smart and incredibly caring and considerate. We have similar likes and dislikes, you understand me and my life, and you fit into it. Why wouldn't I want to try to have a relationship with you?" He smirked. "We already know we're physically compatible." When she snorted, he grinned. "Come on Bri, let's give it a try. What do you say?"

Brianna studied his eyes for several breaths before nodding. "Okay, if you're sure."

"I am." Glancing at his watch, he stood up. "It's after noon. I'm ready for lunch. Let's go."

She eyed him in amusement. "I know it's been a long time since you've dated, but generally it involves issuing an invitation not an order."

Jon grimaced. "Sorry." He cleared his throat. "Would you like to join me for lunch?"

Picking up her purse, she grinned and stood. "I would like that very much."

The first difference Brianna noticed between being Jon's assistant and being his date was that he now walked beside her, matching his steps to hers, rather than striding ahead of her while she rushed to keep up. The second was the way he guided her through the restaurant with the gentle pressure of his hand on the small of her back.

The table they were led to was, while not completely blocked off from the rest of the restaurant, was sufficiently so to ensure their conversation would be private.

"Wine?" Jon asked, his eyes scanning the menu. When she hesitated, he looked up. "Or iced tea?"

He looked so pleased to be able to come up with her preferred summer lunchtime drink, she had to grin. I guess he paid closer attention than I thought. "Tea please."

Their conversation was mostly small talk and they very quickly settled back into their easy, comfortable relationship. Noticing the wait staff standing in small groups chatting, Brianna looked at her watch. It was almost three o'clock. "Wow! So much for getting much work done this afternoon."

"Don't worry, I think your boss will forgive you for slacking off - for one afternoon." He winked.

He escorted her back to the office and prepared to leave for home. Sliding his arms around her waist, he pulled her against his body. His head dipped until his lips could take possession of hers, relieved when she relaxed against him and kissed him back, her arms gliding up his chest to twine around his neck.

Lifting his head, he gazed down at her. "Why don't you come home with me?" He waggled his eyebrows. "I'm sure I can come up with some way of entertaining you."

"I'm sure you could. But aside from the fact that you have four children there that I'm just as sure aren't ready to see a woman - even me - in their father's bed, I don't sleep with men on the first date."

He frowned. "But it's not like we've just met. We've...."

The touch of her lips cut off his protest. "Sorry, but this is our first date. You'll just have to keep it in your pants a little while longer."

He pouted and grumbled but respected her edict.

Later that night, Brianna was feeling like she might have bitten off her nose to spite her face. She hadn't had sex since.....the last time with Jon and she was feeling the strain. More so now that she'd agreed to try and build a long term relationship with him. Knowing how good they were together made the waiting that much worse. The anticipation just might kill her.

In an attempt to relax, she ran a hot bath, pouring in a healthy dollop of her favourite bubble bath. Taking a book and a glass of wine with her, she settled in and soaked for an hour.

It didn't help.

Hoping to ignore it, she climbed into bed and attempted to sleep. After tossing and turning for the better part of an hour, she sighed and took out her vibrator. It was a poor substitute for the real thing, but her craving made it better than nothing.

The knock on her door made her jump and drop the appliance onto the yellow satin sheets. Pulling on her robe she went to see which of her neighbours needed something. Checking the peephole, her lips twitched.

Her smile matched his when she opened the door. "How did you get passed Sam?"

"Is Sam the night guard at the desk?" His smile widened. "He's a fan and has a new girlfriend. He understands romantic surprises."

Her brows rose. "Sounds like you had quite the conversation. I just found out about the new girlfriend today myself."

Jon shrugged. "It's been my experience that it's always a good idea to make friends with security people. You never know when you might need their help." He gestured towards her apartment. "Are you going to let me in?"

"That depends. Why are you here?"

Setting his hands on her waist, he pushed her gently backwards until he was inside and the door clicked shut behind him. He pressed her up against the wall. "It's not our first date anymore."


  1. Ahhhh!!!! I love this!! I cannot wait to see all the adorable romantic things they do for each other!!!

  2. Yay!! Jon finally came to his senses. Now the road to their future together begins. I'm sure it will have its bumps along the way but will be worth it in the long run.

    Great chapter as always but you're cruel to leave us hanging for another week. Good thing anticipation only makes it better.

    Thanks for an awesome chapter.

  3. *giggle* She forgot to put her toy away!
    I wonder what will Jonny say when he sees it on her bed....

    1. exactly what I thought LOL

      great work btw. You had me thinking the whole week if he's ready or not and how you will let them continue.

  4. Yipeeeee...Yahoooooo....wahoooooo...& anything else that means was awesome...Luved that chapter...I have to admit I was a little worried that this story was going to end when they finally got together.....Dont look like it tho...yipeeee

  5. Awesome but I can't wait until Jon finds her toy! Please don't skip over that! And the hot sex scene that should go with it!

  6. I agree with everyone, please give us another longer chapter before Saturday please, i'm with rudsit don't leave out any any details, loved this chapter.

  7. I too noticed she forgot to put her toy away. It's gonna be found!! LOL..... HATE waiting a week for the next chapter.
    Good job. Next chapter is gonna be H O T HOT...
    Till then....
