Saturday, January 4, 2014

Chapter 52

Jon stood at the window of Dorothea's room, watching Brianna wander around the back yard. "What did you say to Bri earlier?"

The soup spoon paused halfway to Dorothea's mouth. "We talked about a lot of things. Why?"

"Something's upset her. She hardly ate any dinner, and barely spoke. She was fine when she got here, so it must have been something that happened in here."

And they think they don't have feelings for each other. Dorothea grinned to herself, then sobered. "We discussed the future and her position in this family."

He turned and eyed her warily. "And what position is that?"

She set her spoon down and picked up her glass of milk.

"Dot? What 'position' have you decided she'd fill in the future of this family?"

Setting her glass down, she looked him in the eye. "The position that will become open in the very near future. The position of mother....and wife."

Jon stared at her, stunned. "WHAT?!" He raked a hand through his hair. "Jesus Dot!"

"Oh, come on! You know I'm right. She's perfect. She's great with the kids and they love her, she's got all the right qualities for you, and….about each other." 

At least she didn't say love. "Jesus Dot! You're not even in the grave and you're pushing me to get married again?"

"Not right away of course. You'll all need some time to grieve. But I don't want you to wait a long time either. The kids need a mother and you need someone to share your life with. I've...."

"That was supposed to be you." He interrupted quietly.


"The person to share my life was supposed to be you."

She smiled sadly. "I know. But life doesn't always work out the way we want it to. I know that's hard for you to accept, since you've always gotten everything you've wanted."

"I'd give it all up to have you." He reached out to take her hand.

"I know." She ignored the tears running down her cheeks. "But it's not meant to be. And you have to go on. For your own sake and the kids'." She squeezed his hand. "I want you all to be happy. And I truly believe that Brianna can help with that. I've taught her everything she needs to know about you and the kids. If you decide you want someone else, fine, but give her a chance. Don't write her off just because I set you up."

"I don't want to talk about this."

"Just think about it."

Jon sighed and turned back to the window, his gaze once again locked on the woman watching the Navesink flow slowly by.

Brianna had no idea how long she'd been wandering the grounds. When the sun started to set, she sat down on the bench, staring at the river, but not really seeing it. Dorothea's revelations had shocked her, but if she really thought about it, she shouldn't have been surprised. She'd suspected from the beginning that there was more to her 'suggestion' than Brianna providing an outlet for Jon's sexual needs. But his wife! The whole 'dying wife picking her successor' thing was a little creepy.....okay, more than a little, but knowing Dorothea as she did now, she should have expected something like this. She understood the thinking and feeling behind it, but.... Now if only I knew what to do about it! Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes and sighed.

Jon heard the sigh and agreed wholeheartedly. Even after all their years together, his wife could still surprise him occasionally. That she wanted him to move on and be happy - or at least try to be - didn't surprise him. That she had actually picked out his next wife, did. He couldn't fault her taste, but he hated his future being planned by someone else. He sat on the bench next to Brianna. "Hey."

She opened her eyes. "Hey."

"Jake wants you to read their bedtime story tonight."

Briana smiled and nodded. "Okay."

"This.....plan…of Dot's.....about our future...."

"I swear I didn't know anything about it until this afternoon." Brianna rushed to assure him she wasn't involved.

"I know."

"And please don't think for a minute that I expect you to go along with it....after."

"I know."

"Or that I'm thinking that way or that it's what I want, or..."

"Bri, relax! It's okay. I know this has nothing to do with you. It's Dot's way of trying to look after the kids and I."

They sat in silence for a few minutes.

Finally, Brianna reached out and laid her hand on his. "How are you holding up?"

His fingers curled around hers and he shrugged. "I'm fine."


He gave a snort of laughter. "You've been hanging out with Dot too long. I can never lie to her either." He sighed. "I'm......okay."

She didn't believe him, but didn't push it. He'd talk when he was ready.

He looked down at their joined hands. "It's......hard....watching her fade away." He took a deep breath. "But I've accepted that I'm going to lose her. I'll be okay."

Sure you have. And pigs can fly. But she didn't call his bluff. The time to face reality would come soon enough. She changed the subject. "I picked up the mail at the office. There's a few letters we should deal with. And I got a message from Craig. He would like to talk to you when you feel up to it. It's about potential new players and a few financing issues."

Jon nodded. "I'll call him tomorrow. Do we have the info on the players?"

"Yes, I brought that too."

They continued to talk business until Carol came out.

"Brianna, the boys are all bathed and ready for bed....and their story."

Brianna nodded and rose to head inside.

Carol watched her go and squeezed her son's shoulder. "I like her. She's good for you - all of you."

Jon eyed his mother suspiciously. "Have you been talking to Dot?"

"About what dear?"

"Never mind." Some things he was better off not knowing.

Upstairs, Brianna settled on Jake's bed, Romeo on her lap and opened the book Jake had chosen - 101 Dalmations. By the time the puppies were rescued and Cruella foiled, both little boys were sound asleep. She tucked them both in and started for the stairs.

As she passed Stephanie's room, she heard her name being called and stopped. "Yes?"

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." Entering the room, Brianna sat on the end of the bed. "What's on your mind?"

"You talked to Mom this afternoon, right?"


Stephanie looked down at her hands toying with a blanket. "She's......getting worse, isn't she."

"I'm afraid so. But she isn't in pain."

"Will you be here? 'Til she...goes?" Blue eyes filled with tears.

"Do you want me to be?"

She nodded, her bottom lip beginning to quiver. "Please."

Brianna shifted to take her into her arms. "I'll be here as long as you need me to be."


"Yes, I promise." Brianna assured her.

When Stephanie had calmed, Brianna headed downstairs, sighing heavily at the pain enveloping the household. Carol was in the foyer gathering her purse and keys.

"You heading home Mrs. B?"

Carol turned. "Yes. Now that you're here to look after them, I'd better go check on John. And please call me Carol." She gave Brianna a considering look. "After all, you're part of the family now." She opened the door. "Call me if you need me. See you later."

"Bye." Brianna stared after the older woman, unsure whether she meant the Jovi family or the Bongiovi family. The way the day had gone she was pretty sure she didn't want to know. She needed to stop thinking about Dorothea's plan and focus on helping this family through what was coming.

She blew out a breath and prayed she had the emotional strength to see it through.


  1. So glad to have an update before bed! Jon is going to be an absolute mess without Dot... I hope Brianna can handle whatever he is going to put her through when it happens. Next Saturday needs to come faster!

    - Delaney

  2. Jon took the news of his wife's plan a lot better than I thought he would. I know Dorothea is looking out for her family but I think her picking Brianna to take her place is a little creepy.

  3. This is very sad . I'm sure the kids can feel the tension in the air & the older 2 know she is dying. Brianna is going to need all the help she can gett!

  4. Ive said it before & I'll say it again...This situation would be heartbreaking...absolutely heartbreaking. But Dot has eased them all into her web of future plans slowly over time so now she can be more forceful...This may not work in a real world but makes a brilliant story to read...I always luv to see a new chapter up & cant believe I didnt check in my am....Great chapter again....Oh & I luv the way the older kids are leaning on Bri as well....So glad she will be there to help them all thru....

  5. Love this story. You have touched on a subject not many would try to write fic about and at that not succeed as well. Thanks. Each chapter has me wanting more. Morbid but true.

  6. Feel for Brianna and everyone with what's coming up soon. It's going to be so tough on all of them especially Jon and the kids. Love your writing Liz you are seriously gifted, Saturday always seems so far away waiting for a new chapter but its always worth it. Hurry up next Saturday please!
