Saturday, January 3, 2015

Chapter 105

It took a few seconds for his meaning to sink in. 

" proposed?" Lisa wanted to make sure she understood correctly.


"And she said yes."

Jon nodded.

"You and Brianna are getting married."


"You really do love her."


With a little squeal, Lisa jumped out of her chair to throw her arms around his neck and squeeze. "That's wonderful!"

"Am I interrupting something?" Brianna asked from the doorway. When the other two occupants of the room turned to look at her, she crooked a brow.

"Hi honey." Jon grinned. "Everything okay with the kids?"

"Yeah, apparently there were a couple ladies they felt needed a reality check."

"Ahh. Teacher or mother?"

"One of each."

"Let me guess. Miss Fuller and Mrs. Marinelli." At her stare, he shrugged. "Just because I choose not to catch what's thrown at me doesn't mean I don't see it." He smiled innocently. "I promise I'll always catch you though."

Brianna snorted and turned to Lisa. "Is something going on or did you just come by to visit?"

"You!" Lisa pointed a finger at her sister-in-law. "You've been holding out us!"

"About what?"

Even though Brianna's innocent look was more believable than Jon's, Lisa wasn't fooled and did some snorting of her own. Stomping over, she grabbed Brianna's left hand and lifted it. "This! Ooh, nice!"  Glancing over her shoulder, she gave Jon the thumbs up and turned back to her sister-in-law. "When were you going to tell your family?"

"Jeez, cut me some slack, will ya? It just happened a few days ago. Can I not have some time to just absorb the idea myself before having to share with the world?" Brianna demanded.

"If that was the real reason, sure." Lisa responded. "But we both know the real reason you haven't told anyone. Look, just because your father might have apoplexy at the thought of having to accept a rock musician in the family doesn't mean the rest of the family - including your mother - won't be thrilled that you've found someone who makes you happy, and want to celebrate with you!"

Brianna winced. "I know and I'm going to call her - and Rachel - very soon."



Lisa knew that was the best she was going to get, so she jut sighed. "You'd better."

"Hey Lisa, maybe you can help me convince her to move in." Jon suggested hopefully.

"Well, if the wedding's going to be soon..." Lisa began.

"It isn't." Brianna jumped in. At Lisa's raised brow, she explained. "The kids need us to take our time."

"In that case, why are you resisting moving in?"

"I'm not 'resisting'." Brianna protested.

"Yes you are." Jon countered.

Brianna scowled at him. "We've been busy with other things." She wiggled the fingers of her left hand. "Besides, I don't recall the subject being raised lately."

Jon snorted, then frowned. "You don't mean I have to ask again?"

"Yes!" Both women answered.

"Women!" The word was more of a sigh, but the looks he was getting told him it was clearly heard. "Fine. Bri, will you put us all out of our misery and move in soon as possible?"

With the gazes of  both Jon and Lisa weighing heavily on her, Brianna gave in. "Okay. I'll list my apartment and start packing."

"Good!" Jon grinned. "Let me know what you need me to do to help."


"Okay little man, I'm coming." Brianna paused in the doorway and looked back at Jon. "I never said which bedroom I'll be sleeping in."

Blue eyes narrowed At her taunt, but she was gone before he could respond. He turned to Lisa and crooked a brow. "Her strength and independence is an act huh?"

Lisa grinned. "You're good for her. Don't screw it up."

"Yes ma'am."

The next day, while the kids were at school and Romeo was napping, Brianna sat on the couch in the living room and stared at her phone. Buck up old girl, it's got to be done. She started to dial, but decided she needed more moral support first, chickened out and dialled a different number. "Hey Rach, how are you?"

"Hi! I'm good. How are you?"

The amused, eager note in her sister-in-law's voice warned Brianna that Lisa had gotten in ahead of her. "You talked to Lisa."

"She called this morning to tell me to expect a call from you.....that you had some big news. But she wouldn't say what it was. So spill."

Brianna had to smile. "Jon and I are getting married."

"Oh wow! That is some big news." She paused. "And this is truly what you want?"

Brianna frowned. "I thought you'd be happy for me."

"If you're happy, I'm ecstatic! I like what I've seen of Jon, and he seems to be making you happy, which will put me on his side everytime." Rachel hesitated. "Bri, I'm so glad you're following your heart and doing what you know is right for you instead of what your father thinks is right for you. It's your life, not his. You deserve to be happy."

"Thanks." Brianna smiled wryly. "Think Father will feel the same way?"

"No," Rachel acknowledged, "but I'm betting your mother will."

Knowing she couldn't put it off any longer, Brianna blew out a breath and dialled. "Hi Mom."

"Brianna! How are you dear?"

"I'm good. Really good. I have some news."


"Jon and I are getting married."

"Oh honey, that's wonderful! Hang on, let me get your father to pick up the other phone. Edward! Brianna has some news. Pick up the phone."

"No! That's not necess..."

"Hello Brianna, what's your news?"

Brianna closed her eyes and braced herself. "Jon and I are getting married."

Jon entered the living room, took one look at her face and frowned. The tight line of her lips and set jaw left him in little doubt of who she was talking to.

"I see."

"No Father, I don't think you do." Brianna argued. "I love him. He makes me happy."

Jon turned and headed for the kitchen.

"I'm sure you think he does now, but when your emotions calm down you'll see he's not the right kind of man for you."

"Edward, for heaven's sake, stop it!" Sara's voice was pure exasperation. "I'm sure you'll be very happy together. "

"Thanks Mom."

"Think long and hard about what you're doing Brianna. Don't do this out of some sort of rebellion against me - or Alex. You're smarter than that. Use your head."

Anger rose up, threatening to choke her. "I am Father. My head is telling me to follow my heart and be happy with a man who values my abilities. And that's exactly what I'm going to do! I've got to go. Mom, I'll talk to you later."

Jon returned to find her with her face buried in her hands. Setting down the bottle of wine and full glass he carried, he sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her. One arm cradled her head against his chest.

Brianna clutched his sweater, turned her face into it and screamed.

Lips curving, Jon kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair. "I promise we're going to be happy. We'll prove him wrong. That ought to piss him off."

Brianna chuckled helplessly. "Sounds like a plan." Plucking the glass off the table, she relaxed back against him and sipped, letting his nearness and reassurance soothe her.


  1. Bay Ass is insulting of a jack ass (Donkey), the man is a ignorant man, who s stuck in the 50's where women stayed home took care of the man and if she worked it was as a secretary to a MAN not the boss. No woman was in the power suits till the 80s. She has a hard row to hoe with her dad and I think its gonna take Jon to set him straight. Great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens.

  2. Ugh!!!!...Jon...go sort him out... & I mean in his Jersey kinda violence just a quick wit pack a punch kinda way....OK..I know this is fiction but there really are still men out there just like this...sad for sure...Awesome chapter...
