Saturday, August 9, 2014

Chapter 84

Two weeks later, she was once again heading for Red Bank - this time with a working heater. She was taking the kids Christmas shopping.

Driving through the gates, she parked and entered the house. "Who's ready to go shopping?"

The foyer quickly filled with people scrambling for coats and boots.

"Hi honey." Jon greeted her with a kiss, leaned in and lowered his voice. "I'm going to get the tree while you're gone. We can decorate it tonight."

She nodded. "I guess pizza would be the best plan for dinner then."

Jake heard her. "Pizza for dinner? Yay!"

Romeo was struggling with his boots. "Daddy hep!'

"Oh hey little man, you're going to stay with Daddy today." Jon took his boots and set them aside.

"No!" Romeo insisted, his bottom lip extending into a pout. "Me go wif Bina!" He ran over and threw his arms around Brianna's legs, looking up at her with tear filled dark eyes. "Pease I go wif you?"

Brianna looked at Jon, who shrugged, leaving the decision up to her. "Well, okay, but you'd better go pee first."

"Kay!" He started for the bathroom, then stopped and waved to his father. "Daddy hep!"

Jon sent a pleading glance to Brianna, but she just smiled and gestured for him to go with his son. He sighed. "Coming."

When they returned, Brianna helped Romeo with his coat and boots. Jon handed her his keys. "Take the Navigator. It's already got the boys' car seats in it and it'll give you more room for packages."

"Okay, thanks."

Jon opened the door and waved them off. "Have fun, get me something good."

When they were gone, he pulled out his phone. "Lemma! Get your ass over here. It's tree day."

When David arrived  he noted Brianna's car parked in her usual spot. He stepped into the quiet house and glanced around. "Where's your girlfriend and the munchkins?"

"Shopping." Jon answered.

"Ah. She took your car?"

"Yeah. It had the boys' car seats in it. It was easier than moving them. Plus my car has more room than hers."

"Uh huh. But now how are you going to get the tree home? Use hers?"

"That's where you come in, my friend." Jon clapped him on the back.

"I should have known. Slave labour."

At the tree lot, Jon noticed David glancing around. "What's the matter, think you're going to burst into flames being around all these Christmas trees?"

"It's not exactly...."

"Kosher?" Jon grinned.

"Ha ha. Asshole. Hurry up and pick out a damn tree." David grumbled. "I don't know how Brianna puts up with you and your sense of humour."

Jon shrugged. "She gets me."

"No accounting for taste I guess." They moved to the next row. "How are things going with her anyway? Have you met her family yet?"

"One  brother and his wife.....and her parents."

Something in his voice alerted David's antennae. "How did that go?"

Jon grimaced. "Her mother's fine, a little quiet. Her father's a real piece of work though. The man's still living in the fifties." He gave David a quick rundown of Edward's attitude and opinions.

"Wow. Poor Bri. That can't be easy for a woman as smart and talented as she is to live with."

"Mmmmhmm." Jon eyed a tree that looked promising.

" must be his worst nightmare. A rock and roll musician that makes too much money for him to disregard completely. Way to go Bri!"

Jon's gaze snapped to his friend's face. "What do you mean?"

David shrugged. "She found the perfect man to fight back with."

Jon frowned.

"Have the kids met them?"

"Not yet. I've been tossing around the idea of inviting the whole family out before Christmas so everyone can get to know each other."

"What does Brianna think of that idea?"

"I haven't mentioned it to her. I was thinking of making it a surprise."

David winced. "I don't think that would be such a good idea."

"Why not?"

"She's been so reluctant for even you to meet them, I'm thinking she'd want to be very careful about introducing the kids."
 "Mmmm." He caught the eye of a lot attendant and pointed to the tree in front of him. "I'll take this one."

"I'll tie it up for you right away sir."

By the time the shoppers returned home, Brianna was ready to sit down and rest for awhile. Jake and Romeo both fell asleep on the drive home.

Parking in front of the door, Brianna nodded at the car parked next to hers. "Lemma?"

"Yep." Jesse answered. "It's tree day."

"Grab some bags and ask your dad to come get Jake will you please?" Brianna directed the teenagers as she reached into the back to undo Romeo's seat.

"Hey Beautiful. Successful shopping trip?" David glanced into the cargo area when he opened the back door next to Jake's seat. "Holy shit! I'd say it was."

She shrugged. "Big families mean lots of gifts. Where's Jon?"

"Getting the tree decorations out of storage." He caught her eye. "Is there a problem?"

She hesitated, glancing at the door to the house. "Not a problem. Jesse's having a rough day."

"Missing his mom?"

She nodded. "I think so."

"Have you talked to him?"

"Not yet. It just started a couple hours ago. I'm waiting to see how bad it gets....and if he'll open up to Jon first."

David nodded. "I bow to your wisdom. You've done such a great job with them, you obviously know what you're doing."

"I hope so." She lifted Romeo into her arms. "Come on little man, let's get you to bed."

Picking up Jake, David followed her into the house and upstairs.

After putting the boys down, they returned downstairs.

"I don't care! Leave me alone!" Jesse stomped into the foyer and out the front door, almost knocking over his sister in the process.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"Shut up!"

Jon  had followed his son and now stood in the doorway of the living room. 

Brianna caught his eye and raise a brow.

"Fuck if I know. I asked him where he thought we should put the tree and he blew. Was he like that all day with you?"

She shook her head. "No, only the last couple hours."

He scowled. "Well, he'd better lose the attitude....and fast!"

Brianna had reached the bottom of the stairs when Jesse stormed back in and dumped the packages he was carrying on the floor.

"Jess. Will you help me carry this stuff upstairs please?"

"Do it yourself, I'm not your slave!"

"Jesse!" His father scolded. "You don't talk to Bri like that!"

"Why not? She's not my mother!"

Stephanie gasped. "Jesse!"

Brianna stepped in before Jon old explode - and by the look on his face it wasn't a second too soon. "Jesse come with me."

"No. Where? Why?"

"You'll see. Get in my car." She glanced at Stephanie. "You should come too."

Stephanie nodded and started for the door. Brianna grabbed her keys and followed. Jesse still stood by the stairs, undecided.

"Jess," Brianna spoke softly. "Trust me. Please?"

Blowing out an aggravated breath, Jesse gave in and followed his sister.

"We'll be back soon." Brianna assured the men.

They were gone before Jon even thought to ask where they were going.

As they got closer to their destination, Stephanie figured out where they were going. She turned to Brianna, her own expression now unsure. "Why there?"

"I have something to do....and I'm hoping a visit will help."

When they turned into the cemetery grounds, Jesse sat up straighter in his seat. He felt sad and angry all at the same time.

Brianna parked near Dorothea's grave, got out of the car and opened the trunk. "Will you help me with this please?"

Stephanie got out and took the bag she was handed.

Jesse got out slowly, but hung back  he gaze constantly shooting to his mother's tombstone. He took the bag Brianna handed him, took two steps and threw it on the ground. "No! I don't want to be here! Take me home! What's the point? She's GONE!"

"Jesse, stop being such an asshole! YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO MISSES HER!" Stephanie screamed at her brother. "And it's not Bri's fault!"

For her part, Brianna stayed silent and went about her errand. Picking up another bag out of the trunk, she walked up to the grave, knelt and cleaned snow off the stone. "Hi Dot. I brought company with me this time."She pulled out a swag of garland and laid it across the top of the stone. 

"You've been here before?" Stephanie asked.

"Uh huh. I come here when I'm trying to figure how to help you guys or deal with your dad or if I just need to think. It's quiet and talking to your mother helps me."

"Really?" Stephanie opened her bag and found lights inside. She pulled them out and helped Brianna weave them around the garland and the stone. "There's no outlet here. How will they work?"

"They're solar lights. They'll absorb the sunlight during the day and light up at night."

"Cool." Stephanie looked around, but didn't see any other decorated graves. "What made you think to do this?"

"Well, it was your mom's favourite holiday, and I thought she would appreciate it." She got up and went back to the car for a  Poinsettia and the bag Jesse dropped, ignoring the sullen boy for the moment. Setting the plant to one side of the engraved words, she set out little ornaments along the front ledge of the stone. "This helps me when I'm really missing her. It might help you, it might not. Your comfort spot maybe be someplace in the house or on the grounds or maybe it's somewhere else. You just need to find where it is, and then when your feelings get overwhelming, you know where to go to find comfort."

"Have you ever brought the squirts here?"

"Not yet. They're too little. When they're older I will."

"Do you think Dad comes here?"

"Probably, but he may have another spot that was special to the two of them that he goes to."

During the girls' conversation, Jesse had wandered closer. After a few minutes, he reached down to pick up the small angel Brianna had brought and set it on top of the stone. Brianna handed him a twist tie to attach it to the garland so it wouldn't fall off.

The three of them stood together surveying their handiwork, each lost in their own thoughts.

When Jesse sighed, Brianna set her hand on his shoulder. "Jesse, I know I'm not your mother. I will never try to be. I just want to be here for you when you need someone. And I promise I will never let you forget her. Okay?"

He nodded and sighed again. "Okay." He kicked at a clump of icy snow. "I'm......sorry....about before.....what I said."

She squeezed his shoulder. "It's okay, I understand." She gave them another few minutes before suggesting they head home.

As they walked to the car, Stephanie frowned. "Bri.....can we come here Christmas?"

"You can come anytime you want to. Let me know and I'll make sure you get here."  Brianna promised.


When they got back to the house, Jon frowned at his oldest son and opened his mouth.  Brianna elbowed him before he could speak. "It's dealt with. Let it go."

Jon grunted, but conceded to her wishes.

With David doing his best to lighten the mood, they ate pizza while they finished decorating the tree. Then they sat around reminiscing about Christmas' past.

At bedtime even the teenagers kissed the adults goodnight, Jesse giving Brianna and extra hard hug. "Thanks."

"Anytime." She blinked back tears.

Exchanging glances with David, Jon refilled their glasses and pinned Brianna with his cobalt stare. "Now will you tell me what the hell happened today? Where did you take them?"

"The cemetery. Jesse needed to talk to his mother."

"Have you been there before? Since the funeral I mean." Now he knew who had been looking after the plants and flowers he'd taken.

"A few times." She admitted. "Christmas is such a family holiday and of course it was her favourite, so it's harder on the kids."

"He wasn't this bad last year."

"I think last year they were still in shock at Dot's passing. It didn't really sink in." She yawned and drained her glass. "It's been a long day. I'm beat. I'm going up to bed. Tree looks great guys." She leaned over to kiss Jon. "Nite Babe. Nite David. There's a room ready and available for you if you want to stay over."

"Thanks Beautiful. Sleep well."

When she had disappeared, David shook his head in wonder. "Dot certainly knew what she was doing when she picked her."

"Mmhmmm." Jon agreed.


  1. Loved Brianna taking the kids to the cemetary. Thanks for the new chapter.

  2. Oh My Lordy...this shoulda come with a 'Tears' warning...'Not to be read when half of the family is trotting around' they stayed outside...
    That was a beautiful chapter..& good on Bri for knowing exactly what Jesse needed...I was bawling like a baby...'sob'...& of course David was awesome comic relief as
    OK..gotta go clean myself up & face the family outside minus the red for that Liz...Luved it!!!!

  3. the poor kids, I agree with jbj64 completely, can't wait for the next chapter, great chapter.

  4. very touching chapter that had me crying too. I think the best line has to be David saying Dot really knew what she was doing when she picked Bri.
