Saturday, August 10, 2013

Chapter 31

Jon closed the door behind him, tossed his keys on the table in the foyer and blew out a relieved breath. Home at last. For a full three weeks he could relax with his family before heading for Japan.

"Hi Jon."

His head snapped up at the sound of his sister-in-law's voice. "Hi Linda." He glanced up the stairs.

"She's asleep." She studied his face. "She didn't tell you I was here, did she?"

He shook his head and frowned. "How is she?"

Linda sighed. "Let's go sit down."

Settling in the living room with a bottle of wine, Jon handed Linda a glass and braced himself. "How bad is it?"

"She called me last week and asked me to come help with the kids. Chasing Jake and Romeo around was getting too much for her." She paused to take a sip. "She's tiring more easily now. The stairs wear her out and she has to rest."

"It's happening too fast." He wasn't even aware that he'd said the words out loud.

Linda couldn't argue. Watching her sister fade away before her eyes was breaking her heart.

"Is she in a lot of pain?" He asked, dreading the answer.

"No. The doctor upped her pain killers a little bit, but she seems to be comfortable, just tired."


"Not really. Her appetite has fallen off though."

Jon nodded his understanding and sat staring at the golden liquid in his glass, the muscle twitching in his jaw the only visible sign of his emotions - as long as you didn't look into his eyes.

Linda stood. "I'm going up to bed." She stopped beside him, laid a hand on his shoulder, squeezed and left him to his thoughts.

The bottle was empty by the time Jon dragged himself upstairs.

Dorothea awoke as he crawled into bed. "Hi."

"Hi. How are you feeling?"


One masculine brow rose. "Really. Then why is Linda here? And why didn't you tell me you called her to come help you?"

She grimaced. "I'm okay, just tired." She met his skeptical look. "And this is why I didn't tell you. I didn't want to upset you."

Jon had his doubts about the state of her health, but he didn't want to argue. "What can I do to help? What do you need?"

"Hold me Jon. I just need you to hold me."

He opened his arms. "I think my nursing skills are up to that.  Come here Dotty."

Shifting closer, Dorothea rested her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. She closed her eyes as his arms closed tightly around her. "Mmmmm."

"Sleep Dotty, I've got you." Only God knows for how long.

She dozed off quickly. It was quite awhile before he could do the same.

The next morning Jake looked around the breakfast table, then up at his father. "Bianna home?"

"No, she's at her home in the city."Jon answered as he scooped scrambled eggs onto Jake's plate.

Dorothea frowned. "Why? I need her here."

"She needed some time to look after some personal stuff. She'll be out in a couple days." He assured her, chuckling at her pout that looked a lot like Jake's. "Don't worry, she'll be here as soon as she can. She knows you want her here."

While Jon took Steph and Jesse to school, Dorothea and Linda settled with the little ones in the living room.

"Brianna's Jon's assistant, right?" Linda asked as she helped Jake put a puzzle together.


"Her fun." Jake informed his aunt. "Her play games wife me an push me on de swings an weed me books an make me snacks!"

Dorothea smiled fondly at her son. "You really like her don't you buddy?"

"Uh huh," He nodded.

"She spending a lot of time here lately?" Linda pressed.

"Yes. She's helping me put together memory books for the kids." She never took her eyes off Jake. "She's really nice and she's a huge help to me. The kids love her, she actually understands Jon and he's says she's doing a great job. Even the rest of the guys have accepted her into the clan."

Linda had a feeling there was more that her sister wasn't telling her. "And what all is she doing for you - besides the books?"

"She helps with meals, the kids, the house....anything we need. She's become a part of the family.

Her firm tone and the fact that she avoided eye contact had Linda's instincts screaming. "What are you doing Dot?"

The quiet question had Dorothea shrugging. "I'm just taking care of business."

Two days later, Jon was sitting in his office gazing out the window at the Navesink, when Jesse entered the room. "Brianna's here."

Jon nodded. "Okay. Aunt Linda gone?"

"Yeah. She said to call and let her know when you guys are leaving and she'll be here."

"Okay.Where's Mom?"

"Upstairs lying down." Jesse wandered idly around the room.

Jon watched him for a few moments. "Something on your mind son?"

Jesse shrugged.

"Want to talk about it?"

Another shrug.

Jon hesitated, then decided to push. "Is it Mom?"

Jesse stopped in front of a window and stared out. "Dad.....what's going to us....after?"

Jon sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. "We'll be alright Jess. We've got family and friends who care about us. They'll be there to help."

" can we....without Mom?" His voice cracked, reminding Jon that he was just a young boy facing the loss of his mother.

Jon rose to stand beside his son and set his hand on the slender shoulder. "Because it's what she wants. I won't lie to you, it's not going to be easy, but we'll make it." His hand squeezed. "We'll help each other, and we'll make it."


"I promise."

Brianna walked into 'her' bedroom, set down her suitcase and glanced around. Since she'd been there last, someone had rearranged the furniture and a desk was now set under the window. She smiled and set her laptop on the gleaming wooden surface. As much as Jon tried to come across as the tough, driven CEO type, he also had a soft, considerate side.

"Brianna? Is that you?" Dorothea's voice came down the hallway.

Rushing out of the room, Brianna stuck her head in the master bedroom. "Yes, it's me. Do you need something?"

"No, I heard someone moving around up here and wondered who it was." She patted the bed. "Come sit down so we can catch up." Her lips twitched. "Done any photo shoots lately?"

"Ha, ha. Jon told you about that huh?" Brianna grimaced.

"Yeah. He thought it was hilarious. Where did the paint come from?"

"Tico took me to this club where they do paint drumming. They put neon paint on these things that look like oil drums and when you hit them the paint splashes all over the place. The lights pulse with each drum beat. It's really cool."

"Sounds like fun."

"It was.....until I got called back to the hotel and tricked into waking Jon up."

"Tico's a sneaky one. No one expects it from him, so he's able to pull it off. Of course, some people keep falling for it even though they know to be on the lookout - like David."

"I still can't believe he did that to me."

 Dorothea studied Brianna's face. "You realize he didn't mean any harm and it's all in fun, right? He usually has a reason."

"He said I needed to loosen up, put more colour in my life." Brianna rolled her eyes.

"I figured it was something like that."

"Like what?"

"You've been so busy taking care of me and Jon, Teek was making sure you were being taken care of too." Dorothea reached over to pat her arm. "It's all part of being a member of the family. You'll get used to it." And it eases my mind to know they'll be there to help you.

"I hope so." Brianna sighed. Inside she was smiling. She'd never had so much fun working with a group of people. 


  1. Dorothea is fading quicker than I thought she would. Jon may act like he isn't happy Brianna is staying at the house but I think deep down inside he is grateful that she is helping Dorothea out with the kids.

    The talk between Jesse and Jon broke my heart.

  2. Yeah but Linda knows what Dot is doing. Trying to set Jon and Brianna up.

  3. Add another tissue box to that running tab Liz!

  4. AW....How sad was Jesse & Jons lil chat...Ya can just feel their pain & worry about the unknown...
    Dots a lil schemer isnt she...hahaha..gawd luv her...I can see it all working out nicely..but still sad that they all need to lose her....
    Ive been dying for this chapter & it all went so fast... :~( ....back to waiting again...Luv this story so much...great work Liz
