Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chapter 10

David noticed Jake trudging up to join them. “Hey Jakey. Where’s your dad?”

“In da house wif Mommy, being a kiss ass.”

All three adults burst out laughing.

But Brianna could see the sadness shining in the little boy’s eyes. “What’s wrong Jakey?”

“Jesse and Colton won’t wet me pay ball wif dem. Dey say I’n too wittle.” His bottom lip came out and quivered.

Brianna looked around for some way to distract him. “Do you want me to push you on the swings?”

She was rewarded with a big smile and sparkling blue eyes. “Okay!”

Within minutes, instead of tears, his laughter could be heard as he soared higher and higher with every push.

“BRIANNA!  Watch out!”

Jesse’s voice raised in warning had her turning just in time to catch the football that was hurtling at her head.  Lining up the laces, she sent the pigskin soaring back to Colton in a perfect spiral. The boys stared at her in stunned awe.

“Wow! That was awesome!” Colton complimented her as they approached.

“Yeah!” Jesse agreed. “Where did you learn to throw a football?”

“I have brothers and lots of male cousins.” Brianna explained.

“Do you want to throw the ball around with us?” Jesse invited her.

Brianna was flattered by the invitation, but she could see the disappointment settling over Jake’s features. “Thanks. Maybe another time.” She glanced down at her dress and sandals.  “I’m not dressed for football. This outfit is more for swings.”

Jake grinned and smiled smugly at the older boys. “Push me pease Bianna!”

“Okay buddy.”

Half an hour later Jake finally got tired of the swings and they headed back up to the house to get a snack. Picking up drinks and a variety of food from the smorgasbord that Dorothea had set out, Brianna was settling Jake at a table next to the grass when she heard a squeal. She turned to see Romeo toddling toward her, his mouth curved into a wide grin, his Uncle Tony standing behind him laughing.

“Hey little man!” She crouched down and held out her arms.

He’d almost reached her when Copper rushed passed him. Wagging tail met toddler – not hard but enough to upset his precarious balance and send Romeo to the ground. Dark eyes filled, two fat tears spilling over to run down his cheeks and the full bottom lip came out. There was silence for a few seconds, then the sobs started. He held his arms out to Brianna.

“Oh, come here.” She picked him up and cuddled him. “You’re okay. Copper didn’t mean to knock you over.” She leaned back to look him in the eye, feeling his ragged breath on her cheek. “Do you want to go find Mommy?”

Romeo nodded sadly.

“Okay. We’ll go find her.” She looked at Tony.

He nodded. “Go ahead. I think she’s in the house.”   

They found Dorothea in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, one hand pressed to her stomach. Brianna frowned at the look on the other woman’s face.

“Dorothea?  Are you okay?”

Startled, Dorothea straightened and forced a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Something I ate isn’t sitting well with me. I hope it’s just me and there isn’t something out there that’s going to make people sick.”

Cries calmed to sniffles, Romeo held his arms out to his mother and as she took him, she noticed the tears drying on his face. “What’s wrong Little Man?”

“Wagging dog tail met walking toddler, toddler hit the dirt.” Brianna explained. “I don’t think he’s hurt though, he just sat down a little hard.”

“Aww...did mean old Copper knock you down?” Dorothea rubbed his back, smiling when he nodded solemnly. “Should we go get a cookie and see what Daddy’s up to?” Her glance returned to Brianna. “I saw you with Jake on the swings earlier. I didn’t invite you here to look after my kids. You’re supposed to be enjoying yourself.”

“I am.” At the older woman’s sceptical look, she grinned. “Really. I am. They’re great kids and I enjoy spending time with them.”

“And they like you too. I just don’t want you to do it because you think that Jon or I expect you to. It’s not a requirement of your job.”


They’d barely taken three steps outside before they were hailed.

“Bri!” Jon waved and started towards them, an older man by his side. “I want to introduce you to a local legend.”

“Uncle Southside!” Brianna grinned and held out her hand. “Wow! What a pleasure to meet you!”

John Lyon smiled smugly as he shook her hand. “See Sweetbutt, I told you she’d like me. I’m the comforting, distinguished, favourite uncle.”

Jon snorted. “The dirty uncle who likes the girls to sit on his lap, maybe.”

Southside Johnny just grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Brianna. “Works for me.  Especially when she’s as beautiful as Brianna.”

Brianna blushed and grinned while Dorothea just rolled her eyes. She’d heard Southside’s views on his place in the world – especially where women were concerned – many times. He was a great musician and a lot of fun...and he was full of shit a lot of the time.

Anyway,” Jon brought the conversation back to him so that he could get to his original reason for introducing John to his assistant. “Southside’s planning a show in Asbury and asked me to come. What’s my schedule like for September?”

Brianna reached for her Berry. “Well, it’s filling up fast with album stuff, but I’m sure we can arrange something. What date?”

“WHOA!” Dorothea put her hand on Brianna’s arm and gave her husband her version of a stink eye. “No work today!  You promised Jon! This is a day to relax and enjoy the day with our friends.”

Southside’s hands went up in a defensive gesture. “Sorry Boss Lady!” He winked at Brianna and mouthed “I’ll call you later”.

Brianna grinned and nodded, but obediently put her phone away.

Jon eyed his wife trying to determine how serious her anger was. He decided it was safer to try and placate her. “I’m sorry honey. You’re right. I promised. It can wait a couple days.” He leaned over to kiss her and noticed Romeo’s sad expression, his head lying on his mother’s shoulder. “What’s up with the little man?”

“Copper knocked him down with his tail.” Dorothea explained.

“Poor guy.” He rubbed his son’s back. “Hang in there buddy, that whole walking thing will get easier...and you’ll be bigger than Copper one day.”

The rest of the day was filled with fun, food and friendship.  Brianna helped Dorothea and Matt’s wife Desiree organize games for the kids and Jon handed out the prizes. When the sun finally slipped down below the horizon, John Sr. and Jon’s brother Tony set off fireworks over the river.

Afterwards, a tired group wandered off to their homes, Brianna included. She had offered to stay and help finish cleaning up, but Dorothea assured her it was under control so she headed back to the city. 

She was a little surprised at how much she had enjoyed the day. Instead of feeling like an outsider, or an employee as she generally did at gatherings organized by her previous bosses, especially the first time, Jon’s family, friends and associates had welcomed her and treated her like one of them. Today she had felt included, not someone on the edges of the group....and she liked it. It gave her high hopes that she was really going to enjoy this job.

Jon watched his wife climb into bed and lie back on the pillow with a sigh. He reached out to play with a lock of hair that curled around her shoulder. “It was a good party, don’t you think?”

“Mmm.” She yawned and rolled onto her side to face him.  “I think everyone had a good time.”

They updated each other on what was going on in their friends’ lives.

Dark brows came together in a slight frown. “Do you think Brianna enjoyed herself?”

Jon eyed her curiously. “Why are you so concerned about my new assistant? First you call her personally to invite her to the party and now you’re worried about whether she had a good time?”

“Because, my perfectionist control freak, as I’ve explained to you before, for you to be the husband and father the kids and I need you to be, you have to be happy and fulfilled with your life. And for you that means being able to focus on your music, football and finding new and better ways of helping those in need – without having to deal with the aggravating details of all of it. And for that you need a good assistant that you trust. You’ve had such a hard time finding someone with the abilities you’ve been looking for, but it looks like you’ve finally found her.” She paused. “You always say it’s hard to get into the inner circle and even harder to get out. But for Brianna to do her job well she needs to be inside. I want to make sure she feels included and comfortable here.”

Jon stared at his wife trying to decide whether to be grateful....or terrified. “You know, if I wasn’t sure that you loved me, I’d be scared.”

“Why? Because I know you so well?” Dorothea snorted. “You should be impressed. It’s not like you make it easy to figure you out.” 

“What?” Her frown was back, causing his brow to crease in one of his own.

“I can’t quite figure Brianna out either. She seems friendly, pleasant and easy going.  She’s great with the kids and they really like her.....”

“But?” He urged when her voice trailed off.

“I don’t know. Did you notice the way she was dressed today?”

Oh he’d noticed alright. The sun kissed bared skin of her shoulders and upper chest had drawn his eye all afternoon, not to mention the floaty skirt that made his fingers itch to slide underneath.....but he was sure his wife didn’t want to hear that. “What about it?”

“Well...I told her casual and that’s what she wears. I’m just wondering if that’s casual for her, or if she even knows how to relax.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because she hasn’t been around us very long. I guess time will tell.” She winced and pressed a hand to her stomach as a sharp pain shot through her abdomen.

“Honey? What’s wrong?” Jon’s voice reflected the concern in his face. He’d seen her flinch, and she’d been a…all day.

“My stomach’s been bothering me all afternoon. I think it’s just protesting something I ate.” She smiled and leaned over to kiss him. “I’ll be fine tomorrow.” 


  1. Great chapter! The kids are adorable.

    P.S. Dorothea, I don't trust that excuse.

    P.P.S. She should go get checked out.

  2. Hmmmm I hope Dorothea only has stomach ache and nothing more serious.

    I really love how Brianna is with the kids.

  3. Brianna is wonderful with the kids. I really love your story. Your characters are exactly how I picture them. Thanks for sharing this with us :-)

  4. Good story. Pregnancy scare? I hope!

  5. I really hope what is happening to Dorothea, is just a stomach bug or even better, a pregnancy. I truly hope that it's not something leading to the direction of this story.
